Vienna, Johann Andreas Pfeffel (1674-1748), Christian Engelbrecht (1672-1735), Franz Anton Moser (1727)
Chalcography on paper, copper
PFM KM Engravings 0027 and PFM KM 1383
Celebrating the 700th anniversary of the foundation of Pannonhalma, Archabbot Karner Egyed (1662-1708) commissioned the minting of a memorial coin in Vienna, with the theme engraved on it as well. One side of the coin has Saint Martin in pontifical vestments, with a roast goose on the spit; facing him, Saint Astrik of Pannonhalma holds the Holy Crown of Hungary. In the middle a trimount with the monastery on the top left, the Calvary chapel on the middle, and the precursor to today’s Chapel of Our Lady on the right. Referring to the jubilee, the coin is marked with the Roman numeral VII and a Latin inscription that translates as, “On the Holy Mountain of Pannonia, the monastery of the Order of Saint Benedict was established in 1001, and celebrated its seven centuries of destruction and renewal on October 9, 1701.” The other side depicts the Virgin Mary, and King Saint Stephen with Saint Ladislaus below her. The engraving’s pressing plate and the coin mold have been preserved at Pannonhalma since 1701.