
The permanent exhibitions of the Herman Ottó Museum On Trails of Primitive Forests – The Bald-cypress Forest of Bükkábrány and its Epoch and The Minerals of the Carpathians have been made possible by the indispensable help and support of the persons, companies and institutions listed below.

Inspired by
Dr. László Veres – Dr. Tamás Pusztai

Staff member responsible for conservation
Ferenc Bánfalvy Wood and Furniture Conservator, Head of Department
(Department of Artifacts Conservation)

Project leaders
Between 2007–2010 Dr. László Veres, Museum Director
In 2010 Dr Gyula Viga, Deputy Museum Director
2010–2013 Dr. Tamás Pusztai, Director of the museum

Technical leader of the project
Péter Szolyák archaeologist-museologist, Head of Department
(Pannon Sea Repository of Geological and Natural History)

Project Manager
Edina Sándor, tender officer

Architectural plans
Hadas Építész Mérnöki és Művészeti Kft.
Rudolf Mihály, DLA architect

Exhibition script
Béla Fehér mineralogist, Head of Department
(Department of Mineralogy)
Szabolcs Honti, biologist
Dr. Sándor Szakáll, mineralogist
Péter Szolyák archaeologist-museologist

Scientific professional support and exhibition ecript
Dr. Lilla Hably geologist, paleobotanist, Head of Department
(Hungarian Natural History Museum, Botanical Repository)
Dr. Miklós Kázmér, geologist, Head of Department
(Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös Loránd University)
Dr. László Kordos Palaeontologist, professor
(Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of West Hungary, Faculty of Science)
Dr. Imre Magyar Geologist, English language translator
(Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc.)

Museum educational plan
Ágnes Marosi, museum educator

Visual design, interior architecture
PYXIS-II Commercial and Artistic Service Company
Zsuzsa Molnár set and costume designer, scenic designer

Graphic design
Erika Kereskényi, geologist
Lajos Kocsis graphic, designer
Nagy S. József, graphic artist
Péter Szolyák, archaeologist-museologist
Edina Tiszai, graphic artist
László Veres, graphic artist
Veronika Watah, biologist

Other collaborators
Tamás Antal, exhibition builder
Szeredi Éva Antalné data administrator, personnel officer
Dr Lajos Balogh botanist-museologist, Head of Department
(Savaria Museum, Szombathely)
Gábor Békési, literary museologist
Csilla Békésiné Csáki, data clerk
Zsolt Bartha, Head of the nature conservation guard service
Marianna Borbélyné Melnik, teacher of biology and geography
Gabriella Csák, data clerk
László Csató, Secretary of the Bükkábrány Miners' Trade Union
Andrea Csomborné Tóth, economic director
Krisztina Demeter, data clerk
István Hajdú, archaeological technician
Melinda Hajdú, archaeological technician
György Halmai, Head of Production Department
(Mátra Power Plant Ltd., Bükkábrány lignite mine)
Sándor Helyes, architect
Béla Hernádi, hydrogeologist
(Mátra Power Plant Ltd., Bükkábrány lignite mine)
Hideg Lórántné, librarian, Head of Department
Jan Post, foreign affairs officer
Sándor Kacsmarik, maintenance
György Kalászdi, collection manager
András Kalli, archaeologist
Erika Kereskényi, geologist
Dr. László Kocsis geologist, fossil shark expert
(Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement,
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne)
Rita Kondásné Cenki, economic lecturer
Dr. Judit Koós, archaeologist
Dr Ivett Kővári, biologist-anthropologist
Géza Kulcsár, photographer
Ildikó Mészáros, teacher of biology and geography
Melinda Miskolczi, archaeologist
Zsolt Mohos, museum friend and owner of a bald-cypress
Gábor Nagy, exhibition guide
Zoltán Nagy, archaeological technician
Ilona Novák, museum educator
Dr. László Orlóci, horticultural engineer, director
(Füvészkert - Botanical Garden of ELTE)
Gergely Páll, archaeological technician
Dr. Péter Prakfalvi Chief Geologist of the Mining Inspectorate
(Hungarian Mining and Geological Bureau)
Éva Selján, archaeologist
Csaba Simon Head of Maintenance Department
(Mátra Power Plant Ltd., Bükkábrány Lignite Mine)
Dr. László Simon, archaeologist
Róbert Szakács, librarian
Jenőné Szakál, secretary
Gábor András Szörényi, Deputy Director-Archaeologist
Péter Szujó, IT specialist
Annamária Tóth, Head of Public Relations
László Tóth, photographer
Edit Tóthné Kódor, Head of Economic Department
Eszter Tutkovics, archaeologist
Zsófia Végvári, art historian, visual designer
János Veres, archaeological technician, research manager
Veronika Watah, biologist
... and miners of the museum:
Tibor Pálfi, István Szabó, László Szabó 

Institutional support for the exhibition was provided by
Botanical Garden of the Eötvös Loránd University
Municipality of Dozmat
Hungarian State Geological Institute (Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute)
Hungarian Oil Museum
Hungarian Natural History Museum
Mátra Power Plant Ltd. Bükkábrány Lignite Mine
Rudabánya Mining History Museum
Savaria Museum
Szent Miklós Görögkatolikus Primary School, Kindergarten and Primary Art School, Edelény
Zemplinske muzeum Michalovce

“Building-up and operation of the Pannon Sea exhibition building” ÉMOP-2.1.1/B-09-2009-0026 was favoured by the European Union, and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Consultancy and external management
Exact-project Ltd. 

Business marketing
Forensys Kommunikációs Tanácsadó Kft.

The colophon of the Herman Ottó Museum's permanent exhibition On Earth of Dinos – MezoZOOikum is located in the north wing of the "Pannon Sea Museum" exhibition building. The permanent exhibition was realized within the framework of the tender announced by the Minister of Human Resources, in accordance with the Act XC of 2016 on the Central Budget of Hungary for 2017, Annex 3, II. 4. c), with the funds provided for the professional support of museum institutions (Kubinyi Ágoston Programme). It opened to the public on 16 February 2019.