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Hungary's oldest fossil flora with the most plant species

Hungary’s oldest fossil flora with the most plant species

190 million years ago, in the area of the Mecsek Mountains there was a river delta surrounded by tropical fenwood. The rising water level – from time to time – caused a massive loss of vegetation. The plant material buried with mud has transformed into coal over millions of years. Among the coal layers there are clay, siltstone or sandstone layers, which retained many plant fossils. 

Occurring species: Pachypteris banatica, Komlopteris, Sagenopteris, Ctenozamites magvaspáfrányok, Todites, Clathropteris, Dictyophyllum, Coniopteris, Thaumatopteris ferns, Elatocladus, Palyssia pines, Ginkgoites, Bairea maidenhair tress.