2. HALL - 4. / 26 years


Petőfi was already an important member of Hungarian public life at the age of 26, when he disappeared forever in the battle of Segesvár in the 1848/49 War of Independence. We photographed young Hungarians aged 26 who are also successful, but in today's Hungarian society. We interviewed these young people who have been on Forbes magazine's annual "30 successful Hungarians under 30" list in recent years and asked them:
"What are the big issues your generation is concerned with? What do you think Sándor Petőfi should write a poem about if he were alive today?"


"My generation has been really sucked in by the FOMO phenomenon, the fear of missing out on something. Our main task is to achieve self-fulfillment while preserving our values, and to be able to connect not only online, but also face-to-face with ourselves, With others, with nature. Petőfi could write about how the children and people of our time should strive even harder for empathy towards gender, religion, or any other differences.”

Photo: Róbert László BÁCSI