1. Hall - 6. view

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Sabbath Anfang - Welcoming the Shabbat

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Sabbath Anfang - Welcoming the Shabbat, 1866. The picture (among many other artifacts in this exhibition) was originally published in the installment: ’Pictures from the Jewish family life.’ The fashionable, assimilant Jewish families of the biedermeier age can be seen on the pictures, from more than half century ago. These pictures convay a nostalgic message and atmosphere at the end of the 19th century, since they portray a vanishing traditional Jewish household. These pictures were used in several manners: they were published in gift galleries, cheap prints, and also on postcards which were considered the novelty of the time: thus also reached territories and families, that would not have been possible else.